Rui Duarte (1979): sinais misteriosos… já se vê…

It is probably the 4th book published by Ruy Duarte de Carvalho, but it seems to be the first where he signs as Rui Duarte, the name he used at the time for his cinematographic work, developed at TPA, and later at the Angola Cinema Institute. This book, published by edições 70 (Lisbon), with a print run of 1000 copies, comprises “7 texts and 10 drawings of mumuíla reference”.

The combination of drawings and text, as well as graphic experimentation, makes it a singular book. The Mumuila Reference results from the production and direction of the “Presente Angolano, Tempo Mumuila“, a documentary series of 10 episodes that he began filming in 1976, in the province of Huila.

“you will find signs along the way…. mysterious signs… you can already see…”


In Ruy Duarte de Carvalho’s personal papers 3 of the 7 published drawings were found. Today they are available in digital versions at

Sem título. [untitled] first and also last page.

Um jaga atravessou esta nação. [a jaga crossed this nation]. p. 23.

As portas do Kalahari[At the entrance of Kalahari] . p. 57.

More of and on Carvalho’s work with images:


The website BUALA has an archive related to Carvalho with contents available in English, such as:

Autobiography, Ruy Duarte de Carvalho, 2010.

“Neo-Animist Decalogue”, Ruy Duarte de Carvalho, 2010.

“Some loose clues about net-animist proposition”,  Marta Lança, 2013.

“Travel with the writer and movie maker Rui Duarte de Carvalho”, by Marta Lança, 2010.