
Série de filmes PNC. Longa de ficção sobre o pós-guerra em Luanda, Angola (2004).

Essay - a late colonial museum as a place of memory, 'Re-Mapping Memories: Lisboa-Hamburg', Goethe-Institut.

Série de filmes PNC. Documentário de Carlos Barroco e Margarida Cardoso sobre o universo lúdico de Cabo Verde (2000).

History & Anthropology. The cinematic chain from production to reception of ‘Nelisita’ (1982), across popular, film festival and scholarly contexts.

The lives of Carvalho's Ovakuvale field photography, made during the Angolan civil war. Kronos: Southern African Histories.

Newspaper piece on using filmmaking for ethnographic research, published within the series "Ciências Sociais em Público", June 2020. (in portuguese)

On the relationship between remembering and forgetting the past at the International Meeting 'Everything passes except the past', Goethe-Institut, 2019, Lisbon, along with the film programme, Reimagining the postcolonial archive.


Programa Dossier África, transmitido a 22 de dezembro de 2022 na RDP África.

Video com comunicação oral sobre o projecto "Mobilizando arquivos" no I Encontro Internacional de Estudos Angolanos, 23 novembro 2022 (Angola, Brasil, evento online).

Joint talk in portuguese, on contemporary archives and disciplinary performances, in dialogue with the photographic archive of Diamang (1917-1988).

Talk in Portuguese on the lives of field photography by Carvalho, made during the longstanding civil war, among transhumant shepherds in Southern Angola (1992-7).

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