12 March 2019


Universidade Nova de Lisboa

Inês Ponte will be the invited speaker at an open lecture at CHAM, where she will present and discuss the documentary film MAKING A LIVING IN THE DRY SEASON (angola, reino unido, portugal, 2016, 35 min), as part of the course Language and Culture of Portuguese Expression, coordinated by Ana Maria Martinho.

12 March, 12h, Bloco B.06

The advertisement of the Lecture can be read here.

Making a Living in the Dry Season is a documentary produced in the context of a PhD research in Social Anthropology with Visual Media, at the University of Manchester. Taking advantage of all stages of the film production as a research method, the final film portrays the development of a double notion of labour in a highland village in Southern Angola and during the dry season: the usual making a living and the exceptional making of a doll, at the filmmaker’s request.

Spoken in Olunyaneka, the film will be screened with Portuguese Subtitles. The Press Kit can be found here