8th Congress of the Portuguese Anthropology Association 2022: “The New 20s: challenges, uncertainties and resistances”

The Anthropology and Film Programme takes place in articulation with the 8th Congress of the Portuguese Anthropology Association and assumes itself as a place to get to know and debate films that inspire, provoke and unsettle us. Through an international call, we received around 100 films (33 full-length films, 14 medium-length films and 55 short films), a total of almost 63 hours. The jury selected 25 films, in a 12 session program, with free entrance. The films that will be screened were produced in Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, Czech Republic, France, Greece, Holland, India, Iran, Japan, Jordan, Portugal, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, United States of America and Vietnam.

Screening venues are spread through the city of Évora: in the garden of the Arts Centre of the Eugénio de Almeida Foundation, in the Auditorium of the same Foundation, and in Auditorium 131 of the Espírito Santo College of the University of Évora (sessions at 11am and 2.30pm).

We invite you to watch 25 films, 12 sessions.


  • Amaya Sumpsi, CRIA / NOVA FCSH
  • Gonçalo Mota, CETRAD
  • Inês Ponte, ICS-ULisboa (coord.)
  • Lee Douglas, IHC-NOVA
  • Rodrigo Lacerda, CRIA / NOVA FCSH (coord.)
  • Catarina Barata ICS-ULisboa
  • Filipe Ferraz (ISCTE-CRIA)


Amaya Sumpsi, CRIA / NOVA FCSH
Gonçalo Mota, CETRAD
Inês Ponte, ICS-ULisboa (coord.)
Lee Douglas, IHC-NOVA
Rodrigo Lacerda, CRIA / NOVA FCSH (coord.)
Catarina Barata, ICS-ULisboa
Filipe Ferraz, ISCTE-CRIA